Arsenic Treatment Units Cutting-Edge Technology Custom-Designed for Remote Locations MEETING THE CHALLENGE Arsenic contaminated drinking water is potentially poisoning 200 million people in India and Bangladesh, causing an international health crisis. While the effects of arsenic can be reversed at an early stage, long-term exposure can lead to death. Studies have shown that 1 in 10 people exposed to arsenic levels above 500 ppb may ultimately die from cancers caused by arsenic including lung, bladder, and skin cancers (A. Smith, World Health Organization, 2000). The origin of this crisis occurred in the 1970's when tubewells were installed to provide microbiologically safe groundwater as a means of preventing mortality from gastrointestinal disease caused by consuming contaminated surface water. The Apyron solution to this crisis, which began over 3.5 years ago, is an integrated water treatment system, custom designed to remove arsenic levels as high as 3,500 parts per billion (ppb) and iron up to 15 parts per million (ppm). Providing water on demand at 8-12 liters/minute, Apyron's easy to use system has been well received within the villages. Routine maintenance is performed by the local villagers with long-term performance verified by both Apyron and independent laboratories on a routine basis. DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS
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