Arsenic Test Kit Apyron: No Impurities. Just Solutions.
As many as 56 million people in the United States may be drinking water which contains unsafe levels of arsenic. Long-term exposure to arsenic can lead to cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure and hormone functions regulating a wide range of biological processes. As a new lower standard for arsenic in drinking water is debated with compliance cost issues at the forefront of the debate a majority of Americans (65 percent) said they would be willing to pay for a home water treatment device to remove arsenic if it were present in their drinking water. Water treatment professionals can help consumers determine their need for an arsenic treatment device, by initiating the testing process. Once a system is installed, the arsenic test kit also can be used to verify performance. HOW IT WORKS Apyron Technologies, Inc. provides a safe, reliable and convenient method to test water for the presence of arsenic. Inorganic arsenic compounds in the water sample are converted to arsine (AsH3) gas by a reaction between zinc powder and a mild acid powder. A test strip sensitive to the arsine gas is used to indicate the presence and concentration of arsenic in the water sample. WHY CHOOSE APYRON’S ARSENIC TEST KIT? There are other test kits on the market, however Apyron’s Arsenic Test Kit is the easiest to use with the most accurate results. Additional advantages to Apyron’s testing system include:
Apyron Technologies, Inc. provides a variety of products designed to remove arsenic from water. In addition to the Arsenic Test Kit, Apyron now offers a new Aqua-Bind® MP Point-of-Use cartridge for arsenic removal. This new product is an active adsorptive media housed in a disposable cartridge that removes the most common form of arsenic from drinking water. The media was designed by Apyron using the Company’s patented Advanced Materials Synthesis Technology. Aqua-Bind MP was developed specifically for Point-of-Use (faucet application) and Point-of-Entry (where water enters the home) whole-house applications. It enables a cost-effective, easy, safe solution to remove arsenic from household drinking water. PERFORMANCE AQUA-BIND MP ARSENIC REMOVAL CARTRIDGES The Aqua-Bind MP cartridges are designed to reduce arsenic concentrations to below the 10 ppb recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). Apyron’s arsenic removal cartridges include the following features:
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